Create Domain User – Powershell

Create new Domain User: New-ADUser -SAMAccountName “testuser” -DisplayName “Test User” -AccountPassword (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText “testpassword” -Force) Force Change Password on Logon: Set-ADUser -Identity...

How to install Active Directory in Windows Core

Install Domain Services install-windowsfeature AD-Domain-Services The -WhatIf command allows a preview of the Powershell command before execution. Remove after testing. Install a Forest Active Directory Install-ADDSForest -CreateDnsDelegation:$false -DatabasePath...

Fortigate login with RADIUS Authentication

Prerequisite: Install NPS Client on a Windows Server. Setup NPS Radius Client and create a Shared Secret and keep this key for later. Create a new Connection Request Policy. In the Conditions tab add the IPv4  address of the firewall. In the Settings tab add...

Steps to move SendSuite Live to new SQL Server

If a database move is needed for SendSuite® Live, please contact software support for assistance. The complete installation will be reviewed for complexity and depending on the results, the work may be performed by the software support desk or a Change Request may be...

HyperV Core SSL Replication without GUI

Created a bonded NIC (optional): [shell] Get-NetAdapter New-NetLbfoTeam "NIC Team" –TeamingMode SwitchIndependent [/shell] If you need to add a VLAN: [shell] Add-NetLbfoTeamNic -Team "Lan Team" -vLanID 10 -Name "Management VLAN" [/shell]...