PowerShell commands to check JBOD

PowerShell commands for linked JBOD. [powershell]Get-PhysicalDisk[/powershell] [powershell]Get-Virtual-Disk[/powershell] [powershell]Set-PhysicalDisk -FriendlyName ‘PhysicalDiskXX’ -Usage Retired[/powershell] [powershell]Repair-VirtualDisk -FriendlyName...

Querying the free AlienVault OSSIM software model

Requirement: MySQL Workbench. OSSIM object model: Database Name: alienvault_siem | Table Name: extra_data OSSIM drops all information into extra_data and you will need to filter the events in this table as shown below: We will use the query below to query by username:...

Active Directory Fine Grain Password (More than 14 Characters)

By default windows only allows a maximum of 14 character in its password field: To modify this, open ADSI Edit shown below: ‘msDS-MinimumPasswordLength’ = 20 will allow 20 characters in the password. The setting below targets domain groups for this new...

How to fix Active Directory Replication error (8606)

To check AD replication status use the following in command prompt: [shell] Repadmin /replsum [/shell] If an error comes up with: (8606) Insufficient attributes were given to create an object. This object may not exist because it may have been deleted and already...

ReliefJet – Batch to pull emails and grab attachments

Use this script with ReliefJet to pull attachments from Outlook. [shell]DEL /F /Q "C:\Tasks\ReliefJet Essentials\Work\Production\interfax\*.*" "C:\Program Files (x86)\ReliefJet Essentials\ExecutorCli.exe" /p IgnoreErrors=True /p Profie=Outlook /u...